Severe Weather Likely in the Dakotas and Minnesota


Severe weather is likely today for parts of the Dakotas and northern Minnesota. A significant wind event is possible.

There is a Moderate Risk in place from central North Dakota into northern Minnesota. This includes Fargo, Grand Forks, and Jamestown, ND and Moorehead and Bemidji, MN.

7-17 Severe Weather Outlook

Friday, July 17 Severe Weather Outlook

Initially, all modes of severe weather will be possible: very large hail, hurricane force winds and isolated tornadoes. These individual cells are expected to quickly merge into a line. This will result in the potential for a widespread significant damaging wind event for eastern North Dakota and northern Minnesota.

7-17 Wind Outlook

Friday, July 17 Wind Outlook

Many areas in the Moderate Risk will not see these storms move in until after dark. Please make sure you have a way to receive severe weather alerts overnight!

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