Heavy Snow Falls in the Plains

Snow over 6"

A winter storm pushing through the Plains has dropped some very heavy snow in some spots. Reports keep coming in, but as of this morning, here’s a look at some of the highest totals by state.


Spencer: 20″

Newport: 18″

Gross: 17″

Butte: 15.3″

O’Neill: 15″

South Dakota:

Pickstown: 18″

Yankton: 16″

Herrick: 15″

Tabor: 15″

Hurley: 14″


Hartley: 14″

Mason City: 13″

Osage: 11.3″

Northwood: 11.2″

Belmond: 11″


Stewartville: 10″

Spring Valley: 10″

Lyle: 9″

Austin: 8.8″

Wykoff: 8.3″

Snow continues to fall in parts of Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin this morning with the heaviest snow expected in south central Wisconsin.

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